PhD Studentship in Energy and Sustainable Development
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Closing date : 30 January 2011Institute of Energy and Sustainable Development (IESD)
Interview date: 22 February 2011
Three years, full scholarship comprising stipend and UK fees
Applications are invited from well-qualified, highly motivated individuals for a PhD studentship, commencing 01 April 2011.
The successful applicant will join a team from the IESD, at De Montfort University, who are part of an exciting €12.8M project funded by the European Commission, which will develop a new kind of enterprise software for the factory of the future. This software will promote 'energy awareness' in the context of production management of future factories to enable them to make best use of available energy resources.
The post is for three years and offers a stipend (currently £13,590 per annum) and fees at the UK (Home) rate; overseas applications are welcomed but fees would be charged at the overseas rate and the student will have to pay the balance.
The KAP project has partners from the European automotive and semiconductor manufacturing sectors, research organisations and universities who are responsible for a range of work packages leading to the creation and demonstration of a new kind of production management tool for industry. The main role of the De Montfort team within KAP is to assist in the creation of a factory-wide hierarchical model of energy consumption and to design an energy monitoring infrastructure to support this model. The model will include a classification of energy carriers and energy using devices appropriate to the factory of the future.
You will join a large group of higher degree students and work alongside other research staff in the IESD's excellent self-contained research base in the renowned Queens Building. You will be provided with excellent facilities and funding for travel, eg to present work at conferences. You will be offered bespoke training necessary for your project.
The Institute of Energy and Sustainable Development (IESD) is an internationally leading research institute focusing on energy and sustainability. The scope of its research ranges from the clean and efficient use of energy, to integrated renewable energy technologies and the environmental quality of the built environment. In the most recent Research Assessment Exercise (RAE2008), 65% of the Institute's research was rated "world leading" or "internationally excellent".
Informal enquires may be made to either:
Dr Rick Greenough
Tel: +44 (0)116 2078714 or
Dr Neil Brown
Tel: +44 (0)116 2577851
An application form is available from:
Miss Clare Perry
Institute of Energy and Sustainable Development
De Montfort University,
Queens Building, The Gateway, Leicester LE1 9BH
Tel: 0116 257 7979
Fax: 0116 257 7977