2012 Visiting Fellowship Program, Australia

Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Humanities Research Centre was established in 1972 and celebrated 30 years of excellence in the humanities in 2002. It aims to stimulate scholarship and advance research in the Humanities through its objectives.

The HRC interprets the "Humanities" generously, recognising that new methods of theoretical enquiry have done much to break down the traditional distinction between the humanities and the social sciences; recognising, too, the importance of establishing dialogue between the humanities and the natural and technological sciences, and the creative arts.

The Centre encourages interdisciplinary and comparative work, and seeks to take a provocative as well as supportive role in relation to existing humanities studies in Australia. It aims to give special attention to topics and disciplines which stand in need of particular stimulus in Australia. One of its central functions is to bring to Australia scholars of international standing who will provoke fresh ideas within, and beyond, the academic community.

The HRC is now accepting applications for the 2012 Visiting Fellowship Program.

Deadline: Tuesday, 15th March 2011.

For full details, application forms, referees reports and guidelines go to our mini site http://hrc.anu.edu.au. These fellowships are open to everyone who meets the eligibility criteria. Please read guidelines.

For more information contact Programs Manager, Leena Messina. by email at: Leena.Messina@anu.edu.au

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