20 PhD Position at CREAM-EU Projects

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

CREAM is a Marie Curie Initial Training Network, funded by the European Commission within the 7th Framework Programme and will start on September 1, 2009.

CREAM includes 20 PhD (three years) and 3 postdoc (two years) projects. All projects are related to developing ecological models for the risk assessment of chemicals, primarily pesticides. Many projects include, or even focus on, empirical work.

CREAM is offering a total of 20 Ph.D. positions and 3 postdoctoral positions, which will be formally advertised in September 2009 with expected start dates in late 2009 or early 2010. CREAM is an EC funded Initial Training Network of 13 partner organisations and 9 associated partner organisations from 9 European countries. The partners in CREAM represent the main sectors involved in chemical risk assessment (industry, academia, regulatory authorities) and who are interested in exploring how mechanistic effect models can add value to the risk assessment process. The overall aim of CREAM is to develop and experimentally validate a suite of mechanistic effect models that are based on Good Modelling Practice. CREAM will provide world class training for the next generation of ecological modellers, emphasizing transparency and rigorous model evaluation as core elements of the modelling process.

We are looking for candidates with experience in one or more of the following areas:
  1. population ecology.
  2. ecotoxicology.
  3. ecological risk assessment.
  4. ecological modelling.
  5. programming.

Salary and terms of employment will be in accordance with Marie Curie rules of the European Commission (http://ec.europa.eu/research/mariecurieactions/careers_en.htm). According to these rules, applicants must be nationals of a member state, associated country or third country. They must be nationals of a country other than that of the premises of the host organisation where they will carry out their project. Researchers must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc) in the country of their host organisation for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the date of selection by the host institution (short stays such as holidays are not taken into account).

Applicants should send CV, list of publications, reprints of relevant publications, copies of academic transcripts, two letters of reference including contact information of the referees, and a one-page statement of applicant’s expected contribution to and benefit from participation in CREAM. Applicants should clearly indicate (preferably indicating priority of preference) for which CREAM project(s) they would like to be considered. Applications should be sent by email to volker.grimm@ufz.de.

Details on the projects are described on the corresponding webpages of this site. Details on the job announcements are linked to pages desribing the project partners (see also the overview table below).

Potentially interested applicants are encouraged to contact the relevant partners prior to formally submitting an application. Positions are subject to funding.

Expected Application Deadline: 15 October 2009

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Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme

Monday, July 27, 2009


Established in 2009 by the Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC), the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme aims at attracting the best and brightest students in the world to pursue their PhD programs in Hong Kong’s institutions.

Those who are seeking admission as new full time PhD students in UGC-funded institutions of Hong Kong, irrespective of their country of origin and ethnic background, should be eligible to apply. Applicants should demonstrate outstanding qualities of academic performance, research ability / potential, communication and interpersonal skills, and leadership abilities.

The Fellowship
The Fellowship provides a monthly stipend of HK$20,0001 and a conference travel allowance of HK$10,0001 per year for the awardees for a maximum period of three years. 135 PhD Fellowships will be awarded for the 2010/11 academic year2.

1.US$1 = HK$7.8 (rate for reference only)
2.Academic year in Hong Kong normally starts in September.

Review Panels
Applications, subject to their areas of studies, will be reviewed by two Selection Panels with experts in the broad areas, one for science, medicine, engineering and technology and another one for humanities, social science and business studies.

Selection Criteria
While the academic excellence is of prime consideration, the Review Panels will take into account, but is not limited to, the four yardsticks below for the selection of candidates:

1. Academic excellence;
2. Research ability and potential;
3. Communication, and interpersonal skills; and
4. Leadership abilities.

Application Process

The Scheme will call for application in early September 2009.

Each applicant may choose up to two programs in one or two institutions for PhD study when applying for the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship. Application should be made through the Online Application System (OAS) which will be available in early September 2009. The Hong Kong PhD Fellowship application is also regarded as a formal application for admission to the PhD program(s) offered by the institution(s) concerned. Applicants are therefore required to fully comply with the admission requirements of their selected institutions and programs except the application deadline, which should strictly follow the stipulated deadline for the Fellowship scheme. Admission requirements of individual institutions are as follows:

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
(website: www.polyu.edu.hk/ro/hkphd-fellowship/)

In parallel to the Fellowship application, each application will be processed by the relevant institution(s) as a normal application for PhD admission. Individual institutions may conduct interview with applicants where necessary. Institutions may also admit candidates not selected for the Fellowship Scheme and offer them with postgraduate studentship of the institutions if they are considered to be qualified.

Postgraduate Studies in Hong Kong
For more information on postgraduate studies in Hong Kong, please visit the Joint Institutions homepage at www.grad.edu.hk/grad/.


For enquiries about the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme, please address your questions to HKPF@ugc.edu.hk.

For enquiries about the PhD programmes and admission requirements, please contact the respective institutions directly. The contacts of each institution are as follows:

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Research Office,
Room M501, Li Ka Shing Tower,
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,
Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Telephone number: (852) 3400 3635
Fax number: (852) 2355 7651
Email: roro@polyu.edu.hk

Interested candidates please contact Dr. Patrick S.W. Fong, Department of Building & Real Estate of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University for discussions on possible topics/proposals in Knowledge Management.

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PhD Position at University of Camerino, Italy

Thursday, July 16, 2009

The University of Camerino –School of Advanced Studies (from here named SAS) is opening a call for participation to doctoral courses (XXV cycle) in the areas of scientific research listed below:
1. Architecture and Design
2. Chemical, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Biotechnology
3. Earth Sciences
4. Information Science and Complex Systems
5. Legal, Political and Social Sciences
6. Life Sciences
7. Physics
8. Veterinary Sciences

The course length is three years with a final thesis to be written in English. In addition to activities for the preparation of the final thesis, doctoral candidates are expected to participate in training activities organized by the SAS. Conducting some research in public or private laboratories external to the host University is strongly encouraged. To attain the final qualification there should be at least six months residence at a non-Italian research or higher education Institution.

Scholarships will be awarded to the best doctoral candidates and maintained for three years, monitoring the results each year. The number of scholarships will be available on the web site. Candidates without scholarship will also be admitted by a number not exceeding that of the candidates with scholarship.

The selection is open to graduates regardless of nationality, in possession of a five year university degree or its non-Italian equivalent. In cases where the University degree of the candidate is not officially recognized as equivalent, the Council of the SAS will rule on the validity of the degree qualification obtained abroad for the sole purpose of allowing participation in the admission process.

The selection is also open to candidates who do not already possess the required degree, provided conferral takes place by October 31st, 2009. In this case admission will be conditional, and the candidate will be required, under D.P.R. n. 445/00 art. 47, to present the degree certificate or a notarised copy before November 10th, 2009.

The Admission to doctoral courses is independent from the age of the candidate. For the award of a scholarship candidates must have obtained the degree valid for admission to doctoral courses from no more than six years on the expiring date of this call.

For application, candidates must fill out the online application form available at the website www.unicam.it/laureati/dottorato/call.asp by August 21st 2009.

Call for application:

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PhD in SMTC - NTU, Singapore

There are several PhD scholarships available for Jan 2010 intake at the Singapore Membrane Technology Center (SMTC), Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore.

If you have a good academic record and English skills and an interest in membrane technology you can apply to study for a PhD in the SMTC. Upon admission, you may be eligible for a scholarship that includes the tuition fee and a stipend of S$2K and S$2.5K per month before and after PhD confirmation examination respectively for living expenses.

  • Membrane technology and applications for EWT is a fast growing area that offers exciting research opportunities
  • A strong demand for PhDs and researchers well trained in membrane technology for the water and environmental industries in Singapore.
  • SMTC projects are fundamental & applied, usually with Industry & PUB links.
  • SMTC provides strong group support & involves experienced Post Doc fellows;
  • A period of 3 to 6 months in an overseas lab gives international experience.
Interested applicant can submit their CV together with the names of 2 referees by email to Prof. Tony Fane or A/Prof. Wang Rong by email.

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Lecture in Department Of Engineering Science, University of Oxford

Departmental Lecturership
Civil Engineering
Department Of Engineering Science

Grade 7: Salary £28,839 - £35,469 with a discretionary range to £38,757 p.a.

Applications are invited for the above post, tenable from 1 October 2009 or as soon as possible thereafter. This post is for a fixed period of four years. It offers a candidate with high potential the scope to develop a research programme in collaboration with a strong research group. The successful candidate will also assist in the teaching of the department, the expected teaching load being about half that of a tenured University lecturer. Applicants should have research experience and interests in the field of civil engineering (structures, geotechnics, fluids or applications to sustainable energy).

Further particulars and details of how to apply are available from www.eng.ox.ac.uk, or by emailing: head@eng.ox.ac.uk.

Please quote reference number DF09024 in all correspondence.

Applications are to arrive no later than August 14th 2009

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